Thursday, 6 April 2017


If, while you were restoring a captured Iraqi tank from gulf war one with lots of help from friends and family you made the find of your life.
Earlier in the week you had found live 50 cal ammunition and had to call the firearms dept and hand it in pronto.
So your already thinking other stuff could come to light and every time you un bolt another lump, you wonder what could be behind it. Then you can't understand why you can't lift the last external ...fuel tank even though you know it's been drained by yourself. All the fixings are undone, all the pipes are disconnected but it won't budge. Turns out it's just the sheer weight! with some help you manage to lever the fuel tank up with a crowbar then lift it higher with a scaffold tube. Its then that you see a suspicious square hole hacked in the bottom of the fuel tank. Your expecting guns but find five huge gold bars weighing about 5 kilos a piece. lots of useful suggestions from the team, Cash converters, cash for gold?- I don't think so. In the end it's a choice between the police, the Iraqi embassy or Kuwaiti embassy. Bear in mind the tank could easily have been involved with the invasion of Kuwait and the defence of Iraqi before it was captured by the British army and brought back to the UK as a trophy of war.
If you report the find and it's taken away- it's unlikely you will ever see it again, but you know your squeaky clean and in the clear. who knows one day, probably not soon, it could legally be yours.


  1. Sin pensarlo 2 veces, lo hubiese cortado en pequeños trozos y lo vendo cada mes. Eso si, guardando las particulas que caerian al suelo. Todo vale dinero. A quien se le ocurre entregarlo a la policía????????????????

  2. Es una situación difícil, pues por un lado al tu pagar el tanque te pertenece todo lo que está en el, pero el origen del oro puede ser contrabando y puede estar siendo rastreado por los contrabandistas que pudieron accidentalmente haber perdido la mercancía y verse involucrado con ese tipo de mafia?? Creo que el hizo lo correcto yo también lo hubiese echo por mi seguridad

  3. Pequeños trozos, vendiéndolas por parte y donando anónimamente el dinero a ONG's de refugiados en las guerras de Medio Oriente...

  4. Lo hubiese cortado y en pequeños pedazos venderlos en algun pais latino o de tercer mundo donde no te piden explicaciones.

  5. In fact, I only reported half of the ingots found, which was possibly what Nick Mead did. Then with the remaining gold, I would enjoy making replicas of my miniature collection, a collector of this type does not need money, and sure no government Is deserving of shelter and appropriation of natural resources. There are better things to do with gold, than to store without any destination so much wealth.

  6. me lo quedaba y lo vendia poco a poco, daba el 10% a los huerfanos y albergues de animales para no ir al infierno y fin...todos felices.........
